Accepting the Break

Afifa Mastura
May 23, 2021

Casting it’s Golden rays everywhere as the sun goes down,

taking away all light, which had once engulfed the town.

Birds hurry back as moonlight shines over the cloud,

funny thing, you can never hear nature cry out loud.

Darkness over light as Night takes over Day,

nature perhaps learnt to accept the change as it may!

Perhaps with time, they learnt to accept,

that, there are changes they must expect.

There is another precious lesson one can take,

that the chain of normality can break.

That Accepting the Change is key,

that it is important to leave tomorrow be.



Afifa Mastura

Often referred to as a literary luminary by her peers, Afifa Mastura is a 14-year-old EPSite, who resides in Bhopal. She has been a part of various anthologies.